(prensa.com) The Old Town is a warrior who survives by its authenticity and historical. Located in the village of San Felipe, the site listed by UNESCO as a World Heritage Site (1997) Received in 2009, 5 800 Thousand Tourists, According To statistics from the tours of the Office of Casco Antiguo (OCA). Located in the village of San Felipe, the site listed by UNESCO as a World Heritage Site (1997) received in 2009, 5 thousand 800 tourists, according to statistics from the tours of the Office of Casco Antiguo (OCA). In 2010, the figure rose to 9 000. In 2010, the figure rose to 9 000.
Town trade expansion is evident, pero, Recognize the cultural Authorities Have No control of the new stores. Town trade expansion is evident, however, recognize the cultural authorities have no control of the new stores. There Are Also not require local guidelines allow Knowledge That Offering entertainment. There are also no precise guidelines that allow local knowledge offering entertainment. Failing That, Have emerges as private Keloques publications, a project of Argentina Noelia Vittori, based in the area Since 2009. Failing that, have emerged as Keloques private publications, a project of Argentina Noelia Vittori, based in the area since 2009.
According Keloques s, which is published monthly, at present There Are 31 restaurants, 14 tourist shops, art galleries 9, 9 hotels (Including hostels), 6 bars, 3 theaters, 3 museums, 3 cultural centers, an internet café, 1 snack bars and 1 ice cream, Among Others. According Keloques, which is published monthly, at present there are 31 restaurants, 14 tourist shops, art galleries 9, 9 hotels (including hostels), 6 bars, 3 theaters, 3 museums, 3 cultural centers, an internet café , 1 snack bars and 1 ice cream, among others.
That Vittori think restaurants, bars and shops Have Grown “odd”, as well as open new, close Others. Vittori think that restaurants, bars and shops have grown “odd”, as well as open new, close others. The cause, she says, is to Increase the cost of renting a product of the constant remodeling That Are Given to buildings and the fluctuation of the consumer, Mostly abroad. The cause, she says, is to increase the cost of renting a product of the constant remodeling that are given to buildings and the fluctuation of the consumer, mostly abroad.
“The traffic, Lack of parking, poor lighting, no one notices the streets, this is a disaster.” “The traffic, lack of parking, poor lighting, no one notices the streets, this is a disaster.” So you think the architect Sebastian Paniza, former director of National Heritage and resident of the site. So you think the architect Sebastian Paniza, former director of National Heritage and resident of the site.
There Paniza To much room for improvement and Does Not Believe That These Problems Are a priority for the Authorities. To Paniza there much room for improvement and does not believe that these problems are a priority for the authorities. “They [the Authorities] do not set the example, Their cars park everywhere,” I says. “They [the authorities] do not set the example, park their cars everywhere,” he says.
Proposes That Do Not Circulate cars in the helmet and Used the parking lots of the coastal strip to special Mobilize From There to transport people to the tourist site, as in the Panama Jazz Festival and Other Events of great magnitude. Proposes that cars do not circulate in the helmet and used the parking lots of the coastal strip to special transport from there to mobilize people to the tourist site, as in the Panama Jazz Festival and other events of great magnitude.
Patrizia Pinzon, president of the Association of Residents of Old Town (QALY), Believe That Organizations like the National Institute of Culture (INAC) and the OCA Have Invested much effort “to” reorganize and Understand What Each institution Had work, so considers the Lack of Continuity of projects and Change in Government Are The Main Reasons That Remain Speed the Development of the Town. Patrizia Pinzon, president of the Association of Residents of Old Town (QALY), believes that organizations like the National Institute of Culture (INAC) and OCA have invested much effort in “reorganized and understand what work had each institution,” and therefore considers that the lack of continuity of projects and changes of government are the main reasons that remain speed the development of the Town. “You can Not Do Something Suddenly in an administration and at the next stop, “I says.” You can not do something in an administration and suddenly stop at the next, “he says.
Maria Eugenia Herrera, director of INAC, highlights three “progress” during 2010 in the Old Town. Maria Eugenia Herrera, director of INAC, highlights three “progress” during 2010 in the Old Town.
One is the DECREASE in the crime rate in areas Such as San Felipe and El Chorrillo, Through Programs Such As High Voltage (complete with Accompanying Risk youth). One is the decrease in the crime rate in areas such as San Felipe and El Chorrillo, through programs such as High Voltage (complete with accompanying risk youth).
As a second Development, Also the Former director of the National Ballet Mentioned the request made by the institution under His direction for the Institutional Protection Service (SPI) Was the only entity responsible for security of the site. As a second development, also the former director of the National Ballet mentioned the request made by the institution under his direction for the Institutional Protection Service (SPI) was the only entity responsible for security of the site. Previously, this task WAS shared with the Tourist Police. Previously, this task was shared with the Tourist Police.
A third achievement, I have adds, WAS to Prevent Both the Old and Panama Casco Viejo Enter the World Heritage in Danger List of Unesco. A third achievement, he adds, was to prevent both the Old and Panama Casco Viejo entered the World Heritage in Danger List of Unesco.
Herrera Explained That Were Invested in 2010, Through the OCA, $ 3 million in social, cultural and restaurant, for example, completion of the convent cloister of Santo Domingo, the partial rehabilitation of lights and the consolidation of the Ship of the Society of Chief Jesus, the first stage of studies for the restoration of the Cathedral and the rehabilitation of the roof of the church La Merced. Herrera explained that in 2010 were invested, through the OCA, $ 3 million in social, cultural and restaurant, for example, completion of the convent cloister of Santo Domingo, the partial rehabilitation of lights and the consolidation of the Ship Principal of the Society of Jesus, the first stage of studies for the restoration of the Cathedral and the rehabilitation of the roof of the church La Merced.
In order for this 2011, is planning an investment budget of 2.9 million dollars for the Town, summarize Herrera. In order for this 2011, is planning an investment budget of 2.9 million dollars for the Town, summarizes Herrera.
Maria Cristina Otero, director of culture and symbolic Activities of the OCA, Said That Among the social and cultural projects Conducted last year by school highlights Module, High Voltage, Veranearte, guides and tours and art in My Neighborhood. Maria Cristina Otero, director of culture and symbolic activities of the OCA, said that among the social and cultural projects conducted last year by school highlights Module, High Voltage, Veranearte, guides and tours and art in My Neighborhood. The Latte Trained Children Between 30 7 and 13. The latter trained 30 children between 7 and 13.
In the case of the flea market, it Offers four years of art exhibition and sale, as well as space Provide For people who want to sell food, as in the case of A Taste of My Neighborhood. In the case of the flea market, it offers four years of art exhibition and sale, as well as provide space for people who want to sell food, as in the case of Sabores de Mi Barrio.
Most of These Activities Are Carried Out During The Summer Holiday Period Taking Advantage of the Small ones, Responding to entries. Most of these activities are carried out during the summer holiday period taking advantage of the smaller ones, responding to entries.
Juan Madrid, communications director of the OCA, I adds That the tasks of this institution is to Ensure the human and historical heritage of the Old Town and Advise on the restoration. Juan Madrid, communications director of the OCA, he adds that the tasks of this institution is to ensure the historical and human heritage of the Old Town and advise on the restoration. However, the final decision on These Issues is of the Heritage Office of INAC. However, the final decision on these issues is of the Heritage Office of INAC.
They Have Already Madrid confirmed on the agenda the Implementation of parking projects Such as the National Theatre, the replacement of the heads of Environmentally friendly lighting, the intervention of the Sidewalks, Improvements sewer system, housing and social rehabilitation Proposed Interest the road serving the Ministry of Public Works. Madrid confirmed they already have on the agenda the implementation of projects such as parking the National Theatre, the replacement of the heads of environmentally friendly lighting, the intervention of the sidewalks, sewer system improvements, housing rehabilitation and social interest the proposed road serving the Ministry of Public Works.
The Argentine Gerardo Worked on a study Neuvogsen prompter That the Inter-American Development Bank (IDB) to Identify the likelihood That the Old City to Become Productive dog pole in culture. The Argentine Gerardo Neuvogsen worked on a study that prompted the Inter-American Development Bank (IDB) to identify the likelihood that the Old City can become a productive pole in culture. The Research, submitted last October, found the Old Town That meets the conditions. The research, presented last October, found that the Old Town meets the conditions.
According Neugovsen the project to Achieve the production cluster at AIMS Strengthening the cultural industries (film, dance, theater, tourism, food)-through a network of undertaking That Work with Existing Managers Who Have Shown Their tenacity. According Neugovsen the project to achieve the production cluster aims at strengthening the cultural industries (film, dance, theater, tourism, food) through a network of undertaking that work with existing managers who have shown their tenacity.
The Study Also Found That Issues Such as security, state of the roads, the restoration of buildings and public spaces, transportation, parking, lighting and cultural activities “must-Improv.” The study also found that issues such as security, state of the roads, the restoration of buildings and public spaces, transportation, parking, lighting and cultural activities “must improve.”
The business specialist Considered That this project, Whose Begins first phase in March with 58 stores, can make the Town a model for Latin America. The business specialist considered that this project, whose first phase begins in March with 58 stores, can make the Town a model for Latin America. “Only the Political will,” I said. “Only the political will,” he said.