It’s the only legal back-up you have for one of the most expensive purchases you will make. Yet it’s something that most buyers don’t check. Worse, those few that do take the time to check usually don’t understand it. I’m talking about the sale contract…and if you’re buying a pre-construction property overseas, you really need to pay close attention to it. Pre-construction … [Read more...]
Deal of the day in Panama from OfertaSimple
OfertaSimple is a deal-of-the-day website (similar to Groupon or Living Social) for Panama that features discounted gift certificates usable at various Panamanian businesses and attractions. How OfertaSimple Works Each day, we present a new exclusive Oferta. We leverage our collective buying power to negotiate the best deals in town. To make sure that we offer the best … [Read more...]
Price of a gallon of 91 octane gasoline in Panama to rise 15 cents
( The price of a gallon of 91 octane gasoline will increase 15 / 100 from next Saturday, Sept. 10, said this afternoon the National Secretariat of Energy. Meanwhile, the price of a gallon of 95 octane gasoline will rise 13 / 100, while low sulfur diesel will be an increase of 8 cents. With further increases, a gallon of 91 octane gasoline will be sold at … [Read more...]
Retirement: The pros and cons of moving to Panama
For retirees who want it all in a country that really wants to have them, Panama can be a smart choice. Panama offers unbeatable retiree discounts and benefits as well as attractive retirement destinations with cool mountain villages, hot beach towns and a sleek capital city. There has been a steady influx of expats to Panama in the last couple years because of these … [Read more...]
The Cost of Living in Panama
(Panama Gringo) While articles concerning the cost of buying real estate in Panama are easy to come by its not easy to find out the low down of how much it actually costs for an expat to live in the great capital of Panama. Being a young, ESL teaching, gringo, expat on a budget, the cost of living is an extremely important factor in determining my place of residence. … [Read more...]