(Panama America) A total of 1 million 538 thousand 980 visitors came to Panama in January and October 2011, surpassing by 14.3% the number of visitors who entered the same months in 2010, according to a study by the Economic and Social Analysis Ministry of Economy and Finance.
The months of greater inflow of visitors to Panamanian soil were January, February and March, and this is because it is during those months when the summer season records in the hemisphere.
According to the report, air transport also increased by 18.5% over the same period, the Tocumen International Airport, located in repairs to expand capacity in the movement of passengers, remains the main gateway to our country.
Of all the visitors who entered the country, 1 million 203 thousand 256 visitors who came were tourists, hikers and 80 000 323 255 000 401 cruise passengers.
Hotel capacity has also been in tune with the entry of tourists in the capital city hotel had 814 rooms 5 000 and 65% remained busy throughout the year.
The Tourism Authority of Panama granted operating permits to 38 companies hosting until October, 23 corresponded to facilities in the province of Panama, 7 Chiriquì, 3 in Colon, Cocle 2 and 1 in Bocas del Toro, Herrera and Los Santos, respectively.
The offer was a thousand rooms 50 rooms and a total investment of B/.436.6 million, while tourists who entered Panama, they left in the economy $ 1, 561.4 million, a B/.336, 152 more than in 2010.