(Midiario) The celebration of the 190th anniversary of Panama’s independence from Spain yesterday, November 28, was the reason that hundreds of people from all ages of the village of Bethany and surrounding areas took to the streets.
People are placed on the sidewalks to watch the nearly 40 student delegations and four independent bands paraded in honor of the fatherland.
From early morning on the street leading to Camino Real and the main road to El Ingenio Savings Bank, noted the public that came to enjoy the parade, which this year was attended by the home campus The Institute for America.
This celebration is traditional in the village of Bethany, which is organized every year to celebrate the date with which patriotic festivities are closed.
Delegations of the Institute as William H. Kilpatrik, the Colegio Javier, Elena Chavez School and the Institute Pinate Ovidio De Leon stole the applause of those present.
The communicator Johnny Mosquera, TVMax, was the bearer of the date. He also received recognition as a worthy son of the principal Metropolitan Health Region, Jorge Hassan.
The representative of the village of Bethany, Ivan Picota, said he spent more than 15 years to celebrate the date, also praised the involvement of schools, independent bands, civic clubs and other associations joined in the commemoration of this important date .