(NYSBA) Leaders of the Panama and New York State Bar Associations, building on a strong existing relationship, have signed an agreement enhancing professional ties between the two organizations.
The agreement was signed Thursday in Panama City by César Ruiloba, president of the Panama Bar Association (Colegio Nacional de Abogados de Panamá), and by Vincent E. Doyle III, president of the New York State Bar Association, and Andre R. Jaglom, chair of the State Bar’s International Section, which is meeting in Panama this week.
The agreement seeks to “enable members of both institutions to become acquainted with the ever more complex and varied legal relationships arising through the economic and social bonds between the citizens of the Republic of Panama and the State of New York.”
The two bar associations will share information about professional ethics, legal training, trends in the profession and new developments in the law and judicial systems in Panama and New York. Attorneys belonging to either association also will be able to attend meetings and continuing legal education programs sponsored by the other association. Both organizations are motivated by a mutual concern about the future of the legal profession.
“Practicing law in a global economy requires attorneys to develop strong professional relationships with colleagues in other nations,” said Doyle of Buffalo (Connors & Vilardo LLP). “There are particularly strong ties between New York and the growing economies of Latin America, including Panama. This agreement builds upon a long, historic relationship between Panamanian and New York lawyers.”