(Arco Properties) Panama has slowly gotten into the “organic” wave. Little by little, small farms are getting their connections and productions worked out and they`re reaching Casco Viejo!
This past month, I`ve been keeping an eye out for good products and services. Here are my favorites!
Culantro Rojo
Culantro Rojo: Season vegetables, goat cheese, cacao, borojo juice, marmalade of strange tropical fruits I can`t pronounce but taste great, honey, home made pesto, organic dry beans, organic eggs, goat cheese (wonderful! yummi… ), goat yogurts, organic Duck and even home made soaps.
Once a week they send an email reminding you what they have in store. They can deliver to your home or you can pick it up at their office in Calle 4ta, Casco Viejo. They are between Arco Properties and Central Avenue. Contact them at: info@culantrorojo.com
Super Gourmet: Casco`s favorite lunch hangout, they have the basic vegetables (tomatoes, onions, avocado, seasonal fruits), Soy Milk and organic cacao. They also carry a complete line of coconut oil based beauty products that come from the Caribbean province of Bocas del Toro. Try the coconut oil with ginger! soaps and more. Location: A Avenue and 6th Street.
Papiro y Yo: our favorite store for gifts made out of paper and recycling materials have started to take their good “taste” to another level. Creative new souvenirs involving organic products. The true meaning of “Made in Panama”!. They are carrying organic honey, black pepper and other spices. Rosemary soaps, Cinnamon soaps and other beautiful scents. Location: 4th Street, between Ave. Central and B Avenue. Some of their products have been started to be carried by restaurants such as Caffe Vienna (1st Street and A Avenue).
New Earth Panama: I tried their delivery service this weekend and it was really good. They don´t base in Casco Viejo (yet!). They have a wide selection of products, including not only fruit, vegetables and grains, but also fish, seafood and eggs. I placed an order Sunday at noon through the website, and they confirmed it by phone shortly after. It showed up at my office Monday morning, featuring a BIG papaya that I thought was going to take half of my fridge (didn`t I ask for the “medium” size one? … yes you did… this is it….was the answer). Loved it!
Here is the contact: José David Nieto Cel.: (507)67319805/ jdn@newearthpanama.com / info@newearthpanama.com