(prensa.com)Visitors to Coronado will have the opportunity to observe local birds and vegetation on an “eco-trail” that was recently opened in the beach community.
Ibeth Isaza, a manager at Hotel Coronado, said the trail has been cleared and posted with signs to guide visitors along its path. There is also a survey being done of the birds that can be seen on the trail.
Jaime Guevara Quirós says that the area can be used as a laboratory for scientists, as well as a place for nature lovers. It can also be used for environmental education.
“For tourists, it is a wonderful opportunity to add to their experience, as this is a unique ecosystem,” he said.
The trail is named after Dr. Eugene Eisenmann, a Panamanian ornithologist. It takes about 30 minutes to walk the entire path.
It is located in an area that is protected under an agreement signed in 2000 between the Smithsonian Tropical Research Institute and Roberto Eisenmann III.