Those officials said that, while Noriega has up to 30 days to contest the extradition, they don’t expect that to happen, and instead are preparing for his transfer.
Officials with the French Embassy in Panama stated Friday that they would report the approval of the extradition request to Panama “as soon as possible,” this paving the way for the transfer.
Also, French officials sent a diplomatic note to the Ministry of Foreign Affairs confirming that the U.S. government has given its approval for the extradition. That information had already been confirmed by U.S. officials.
Noriega is serving a sentence of seven years for laundering $3.1 million for Colombian drug traffickers headed by Pablo Escobar. He has received credit for time served, and is slated to be released in the near future.
Once in Panama, Noriega is expected to be immediately jailed for crimes he committed here, including several murders.