(Panama Perspective) This sounds like a great way to visit Cartagena Colombia. Drive over from Panama City to Colon and take an overnight cruise for $99 round trip! A private cabin is more but worth it compared to flying.
A shipping vessel owned by Panamerican Seaways with capacity for 1,500 passengers and 500 cars, will begin traveling in May between Cartagena de Indias in Colombia and Colon in Panama. Operators calculate that between 800 and 1,000 people will be carried on the “Nissos Rodos” ferry per trip, with rates starting from $99 and going up to $508.
The ferry will leave Colon for Cartagena at 18.00 local time on Mondays, Thursdays and Saturdays, and will depart from Cartagena for Colon 2000 at the same time on Fridays, Sundays and Tuesdays.
The businessman Augusto Terracina, CEO of Colon 2000, said he expects that the Panamerican Seaways ship will transport about 105,000 Colombian tourists each year to Colon and some 45,000 Panamanians to Cartagena, reported Vanguardia.com.mx.
“It’s a great opportunity because it will promote tourism in large numbers of passengers and also because it will be moving a lot of [commercial] cargo,” said Terracina .